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This qualification is available for soldiers, dependants and locally employed civilians to the military. It is for competent IT users who wish to develop their skills and knowledge to a more advanced level and who have completed BCS ITQ Level 2 Certificate (ECDL Extra) along with single Advanced Units.
The qualification focuses on the skills required to help gain employment in an office environment where everyday computing skills are essential. It shows employers that you are expert in the computer tasks required in the modern office environment and is an excellent addition to your CV.
To achieve this qualification you must complete all four of the units either as part of this course or individually:
Level 3 Word Processing Software Unit (ECDL Advanced Unit 3) - Use the advanced features of word processing applications to enhance and improve your work
Level 3 Spreadsheet Software Unit (ECDL Advanced Unit 4) - Use the full potential of the spreadsheet application to produce higher-quality management information
Level 3 Presentation Software Unit (ECDL Advanced Unit 5) - Create effective, high-impact presentations using advanced features
Level 3 Database Software Unit (ECDL Advanced Unit 6)- Use the many advanced tools available in database applications to better manage and organise information
In addition, you must complete the mandatory unit, Improving Productivity Using IT at Level 3, to gain the full certificate.
We provide a test centre facilities for this qualificaiton which is self-study.
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