BSc Honours
Business and Professional Administration - Higher Apprenticeship Level 4
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Course delivery:
Work basedCourse duration?
18 Month(s)
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Candidates who work in, or who want to work in Business Administration in roles such as:
- Office Manager Business Development Manager
- Executive Assistant Project Manager
It gives learners the opportunity to:
- Develop the specific types of knowledge to underpin learners competence as well as the wider sector-related knowledge related to the job roles above. This includes the principles underpinning the resolution of administrative problems, the knowledge related to the management of an administrative function and the knowledge related to business communication models, systems and processes
- Develop and demonstrate a range of technical skills and behaviours that supports competence in the job roles stated above. This includes being able to identify administrative problems, being able to resolve administrative problems, being able to organise the work of an administrative function, being able to manage administrative workflows and being able to use both written and verbal
communication in business
- Develop their own personal growth and engagement in learning through the development of personal, learning and thinking skills (PLTS)
- Have existing skills recognised
- Achieve a nationally-recognised Level 4 qualification.
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