BSc Honours
Certificate in Understanding the Safe Handling of Medication in Health and Social Care
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Course delivery:
Work basedCourse duration?
4 Month(s)
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The Certificate in Understanding the Safe Handling of Medication in Health and Social Care is a level 2 qualification. Opps delivers the qualification to staff working in the care sector.
This qualification aims to help learners develop:
ƒ?› a general understanding of different types of medication and their use
ƒ?› knowledge of the procedures for obtaining, storing, administering and disposing of medication
ƒ?› an understanding of legislation and the audit process related to medication and issues of responsibility and accountability
ƒ?› an understanding of the record-keeping process for medication.
This is a knowledge-based qualification; achievement will not allow learners to be considered occupationally competent in the administration of medication.
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