Course information
Course delivery:
Work basedCourse duration?
24 Month(s)
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This qualification meets the needs of learners who want to work with children in a wide
range of settings, i.e. - Early Years Educator, Childminders, Nursery Nurse.
This qualification is compliant with the practical skills criteria published by the National
College for Teaching & Learning. Learners will learn, develop and practice the skills
required for employment and/or career progression in the Early Years Sector.
The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets out the requirements
for the staff ratio in settings delivering the EYFS and the qualification level that practitioners
must hold. To count in the ratios at Level 3, staff holding an Early Years Educator
qualification MUST also have achieved GCSEƒ??s in Maths and English Grade A-C.
On completion of this qualification learners may progress into employment within the
Child care sector, progress in their current role or onto further learning - i.e. Level 4
(due in September 2017) Level 5 CYPW (Currently available and being updated). Leadership and Management Diploma level 3
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