Course information
Course delivery:
Work basedCourse duration?
15 Month(s)
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This course is suitable for those working in a childcare setting who may wish to progress to a senior or supervisory role. On completion of the Level 3 you may progress to higher education or helps you to become employed in a childcare setting.
The Level 3 programme provides you with all the required knowledge and skills to work in an early years setting. You will study a wide range of units: these include supporting healthy lifestyles, promoting childrenƒ??s emotional wellbeing, understanding the value of play and working in partnership with others. You then have the opportunity to select some additional optional units.
The course consists of assessment of your practice and also the completion of assignments. You will be supported throughout the course by your assessor and also with the use of an online learning environment.
You may attend taught workshops to support your professional development. You will also gain all the practical experience required by working with children and young people at your setting.
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