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Course delivery:
Work basedCourse duration?
35 Week(s)
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Course Overview: There are a wide range of opportunities within both public sector and private sector education settings working with children in a supportive capacity. If you enjoy working with children and have considered work within a school setting our vocational courses are designed to enable you to do this and enhance your employability. Your studies will be guided by outstanding tutors and work placement support as well as being placed within a school setting for vocational experience. Student story The course was excellent! I loved the setting so much I now work here at Telford College - Lisa Webb. As part of the learning programme you will: Enjoy a work placement within a vocational setting over the duration of your course; Learn about working within a school environment and supporting learning for KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4; Complete a number of creative projects designed to highlight common practice within a school setting; Complete a practical project to evaluate the usefulness of learning support resources; Gain an awareness of child protection and reporting procedures. Course specific statistics 100 of students go on work placement each year; 100 of retained students achieved their qualification in full; 100 of students receive a work placement observation of their practice each year with targets set for further development.
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