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36 Week(s)
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The difference between gcse and a-level can feel quite large at first, but we are here to support you over the duration of the course you will really develop your mathematical and problem solving skills. Those learners who are successful on A-level maths really do become formidable mathematicians. You will study three areas of maths in your first year. There is no choice in what content is covered and all will be assessed through external examination. On this new course a large emphasis is being put on pure mathematics and its application, but you will also study some Mechanics and Statistics. The course will cover: Pure content, Proof, Algebra and functions, Coordinate geometry, Sequences and series, Trigonometry, Exponentials and logarithms, Differentiation and Integration. Mechanics content, Vectors, Quantities and units in mechanics, Kinematics, Forces and Newton's laws. Statistics content; Statistical sampling, Data presentation and interpretation, Probability, Statistical distributions, Statistical hypothesis testing. The AS exams will consist of 2 exams, each being 1 hr 30 mins in length. Mechanics and Pure are tested on paper 1 and statistics and Pure are tested on paper 2. Most papers will start with multiple choice or short answer questions before increasing in difficulty to longer, less structured problems. All examinations require a calculator. During the second year you will repeat the content of the first year but also study these topics further and in more detail as well as some additional topics. Additional Pure content to be introduced will be numerical methods and also moments in mechanics. The final assessment consists of three examinations of 2 hours each, all require a calculator. One examination focusing solely on Pure maths, one on Mechanics and one on Statistics. Although on the mechanics and statistics exams they may assess the application of some of the pure content.
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