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36 Week(s)
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A level physics gives you the opportunity to explore big questions - how did the universe begin and how will it end? What holds the parts of an atom together? Is there a theory of everything? The course is ideal for you if you have an inquisitive mind and good problem-solving skills. It involves practical experiment work as well as research. You will develop essential knowledge and an understanding in physics, apply your knowledge to new situations, grow an understanding of the links between theory and experiment and learn practical skills in the laboratory. You will also use maths in order to solve problems. Through physics, we begin to understand why things behave as they do. Physicists attempt to solve stimulating and important scientific, practical and social problems. Knowledge of physics also underpins all the modern technologies on which we rely. Key units covered include: mechanics, electrons, waves and photons, practical skills in physics, newtonian world and fields, particles and frontiers of physics.
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