Course information
Course delivery:
Classroom basedCourse duration?
34 Week(s)
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Our public services courses include lots of opportunities for you to get hands on experience for the world of work, including:
Work experience opportunities with The British Army, Herts Fire and Rescue Service, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire Police Constabularies, and The Royal Navy.
Active engagement, visits and experiences with a weeklong expedition, residentials with the British Army, RAF, and Royal Navy as well as trips to Parliament, Police HQ, and talks from a wide variety of public service personnel.
Your course will be a mix of classroom-based theory sessions, practical sessions, project work with employers and the community and work experience. Topics include employment in the uniformed public services and improving health and fitness for entry.
You will hone relevant workplace skills such as a sound understanding of public service skills and the ability to work as a team.
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