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Course delivery:
Work basedCourse duration?
1 Year(s)
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This is a knowledge based qualification; it can be taken by candidates not yet employed in a school, as well as providing initial training/induction for those new in post. It's suitable for learners aged 16 and above. As this is a Level 3 Award GCSE's in grade C or above in Maths & English are needed or equivalent e.g Level 2 Functional Skills
Units that could be studied:
Understand Child and Young Person Development
Understand How to Safeguard the Wellbeing of Children and Young People
Communication and Professional Relationships with Children, Young People, and Adults
Schools as Organisations
This a great opportunity if you have completed the Level 2 Award to progress onto the Level 3 Award, a great start to get into teaching and the school environment if University is not for you.
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