BSc Honours
Level 5 OBU Foundation Degree in Early Years (Sector Endorsed) Yr 1 of 2
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Classroom basedCourse duration?
31 Week(s)
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Professionals working within the Early Years Care and Education sector have highly responsible and rewarding roles. The sector has gone through immense change but remains a foundation stone in the lives of young children and their families. The importance of giving babies and young children a good start in life cannot be underestimated often in a challenging socio-economic environment locally nationally and globally.If you are thinking of building a career in the Early Years sector this Level 5 Foundation Degree in Early Years course will give you the platform to enhance your current role or take the next step towards becoming a graduate professional. The course examines theories of child development play and learning (including the role of the adult) and presents a thorough appreciation of international and cultural perspectives. Through lectures seminars and workshops students gain a greater understanding of policy as well as regulatory and legislative frameworks. Once qualified you can then move on to a full honours degree through our BA programme. Students will study the following Modules:YEAR ONE: Studying Policy and Practice Communication & Language in the Foundation Stage Physical Development Introduction to Reflective Practice Personal Social and Emotional Development Mathematics in the Early Years YEAR TWO: Inclusive Practice Well-being in the Early Years Research Policy and Practice Leadership and Management in the Early Years Issues in Child Development Independent Study: Curriculum Study
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