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Classroom basedCourse duration?
31 Week(s)
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This Honours Degree Level 6 programme is available to study full-time in one year. It is designed to extend the knowledge gained from previous studies at Level 5 developing a deeper understanding of the context of education in our society and examining current contemporary issues in Education. The course offers opportunity to work alongside peers from a variety of roles across the education sector. The sector of education is a challenging and rewarding environment in which to work and all staff play a role in maintaining and improving educational standards and high quality provision for children and young people. The Modules of study allow students to examine theory and make direct links to practice challenging poor practice and understanding the impact of a variety of factors on teaching and learning and the barriers to learning. Students will undertake their own research and examine their professional identity developing themselves as educators and facilitators confident to work in a changing educational environment. Students will study the following Modules: Research Methods Psychology in the Learning Environment Dissertation (Double module) Developing Professional Roles & Identity Contemporary Issues in Education (Double module) Developing an Effective Learning Environment
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