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2 Year(s)
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Philosophy and Ethics is an academic course but is also related to issues you will come across in everyday life. It is therefore interesting and practical. Every day in a newspaper or on the TV you will find the issues you are studying discussed and debated. This is a relevant, enjoyable and challenging course that will develop your ability to think critically, logically and analytically. There is also much opportunity for discussion and debate. You will become clearer about what you think on a whole range of issues, and be able to articulate and explain your beliefs more clearly. Philosophy is about the asking of what might be called ultimate questions. These are some of the most important questions, but those that cannot be easily answered and therefore require exploration and thought. Ethics is moral philosophy ƒ?? the study of right and wrong. How do we know what action to take? How can we defend our views against those who say we are wrong about something? It will clarify your own thinking, and help you to evaluate different arguments and points of view. It encourages attitudes of tolerance, open-mindedness and respect for others. You will also explore interesting social, ethical and cultural issues. This A-Level also includes an in depth study of Buddhism, an interesting philosophy followed by millions worldwide. This course is a very good academic preparation for university, for a range of careers, and for life in general. It is well-recognised by top universities as suitable preparation for degree level study.
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